Videos from my village Xerta

Here are some videos that are from my village Xerta.

Typical bulls of Xerta

This is a test that the young people in the village do during our village "holiday". They have to transport water to a container and avoid the bull in the middle.

This is the supper that we organise at the end of festes "holidays" in our village.

This picture is of the day I went skiing.

Its one year old. We spent the day skiing and we had a lot of fun. I love sking because it's my second fauvorite sport. When I was 5 I started to learn skiing and every year I practice it.

Here I was in the hotel after skiing all morning, we had had lunch and we were all really tired!!
My name is Marcel , I'm 16 years old, I live in Xerta, which is near Roquetes (Catalunya)

I've got a brother, he is 10 years old.

My hobbies are playing basketball, riding with my mountain bike, going out with my friends and many other things.